

Famose design gifts for every taste

Our online shop is your first port of call if you want to give designer gifts that are simply different. We are always on the lookout for great products and are constantly expanding our diverse range to include creative gift items that make life much more interesting. Let our offers inspire you and give a loved one a present that is sure to please.

Creative things from all over the world – design gifts

If you want to take the individuality of the recipient into account when carefully selecting a gift, you have a free choice with us! We have many original products for you that are not available in every store. The pieces designed by brilliant designers that you can buy here will delight your friends and relatives.

Whether playful, decorative or practical - our gift ideas always attract attention and enrich everyday life. For example, we have imaginatively designed jewelry in our range as well as trendy watches and a variety of other wonderful items for men, women and children.

Click through our diverse portfolio and choose designer gifts that are guaranteed to be well received. We look forward to your order of cool gadgets from our extensive shop, where we regularly introduce you to new products.


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276 products

BIN ICH NORMAL? | CARD SET to find out just how weird you might be | German Edition | The School of LifeBIN ICH NORMAL? | CARD SET to find out just how weird you might be | German Edition | The School of Life
MINIM | minimalistic PLAYING CARDS | 52 playing cards | Joe Doucet | AreawareMINIM | minimalistic PLAYING CARDS | 52 playing cards | Joe Doucet | Areaware
SELBSTVERTRAUEN | CARD SET ideas & questions to help us to find confidence and battle against timidity | German Edition | The School of LifeSELBSTVERTRAUEN | CARD SET ideas & questions to help us to find confidence and battle against timidity | German Edition | The School of Life
A5 memobottle | slimline reusable WATER BOTTLE | 750mlA5 memobottle | slimline reusable WATER BOTTLE | 750ml
BeerIQ | BEER-QUIZ GAME | HelvetiqBeerIQ | BEER-QUIZ GAME | Helvetiq
100 FRAGEN Original | CARD GAME to spark meaningful conversations | German Edition | The School of Life100 FRAGEN Original | CARD GAME to spark meaningful conversations | German Edition | The School of Life
ERKENNE DICH SELBST | CARD SET of knowing yourself a little better in life | 60 prompt cards | German Edition | The School of LifeERKENNE DICH SELBST | CARD SET of knowing yourself a little better in life | 60 prompt cards | German Edition | The School of Life
LITTLE PUZZLE THING | FOOD PUZZLES  | Series I approx. 70 pcs | AreawareLITTLE PUZZLE THING | FOOD PUZZLES  | Series I approx. 70 pcs | Areaware
PILLOW TALK | CARD SET | English Edition | The School of LifePILLOW TALK | CARD SET | English Edition | The School of Life
A7 memobottle | slimline reusable WATER BOTTLE | 180 mlA7 memobottle | slimline reusable WATER BOTTLE | 180 ml
A6 memobottle | slimline reusable WATER BOTTLE | 375mlA6 memobottle | slimline reusable WATER BOTTLE | 375ml
GRADIENT | PUZZLE | 500 pcs | Bryce Wilner | AreawareGRADIENT | PUZZLE | 500 pcs | Bryce Wilner | Areaware
RUHE | CARD SET | 60 prompt cards to lend perspective on life’s sorrows and regrets | German Edition | The School of LifeRUHE | CARD SET | 60 prompt cards to lend perspective on life’s sorrows and regrets | German Edition | The School of Life
UNTRANSLATEABLE WORDS | Set of 20 cards International | The School of LifeUNTRANSLATEABLE WORDS | Set of 20 cards International | The School of Life
15 MINUTE TIMER | HOURGLASS | The School of Life15 MINUTE TIMER | HOURGLASS | The School of Life
KNOW YOURSELF | CARD SET | English Edition | The School of LifeKNOW YOURSELF | CARD SET | English Edition | The School of Life
DANKBARKEIT | CARD SET of 60 reasons why to be thankful | German Edition | The School of LifeDANKBARKEIT | CARD SET of 60 reasons why to be thankful | German Edition | The School of Life
KLEINE FREUDEN | CARD SET display beautiful photographs of life’s smaller pleasures | German Edition | The School of LifeKLEINE FREUDEN | CARD SET display beautiful photographs of life’s smaller pleasures | German Edition | The School of Life
Weise Ratschläge | WISSEN KARTENSPIEL | Helvetiq - Charles & MarieWeise Ratschläge | WISSEN KARTENSPIEL | Helvetiq - Charles & Marie
DYMAXION | folding GLOBE | Brendan Ravenhill | AreawareDYMAXION | folding GLOBE | Brendan Ravenhill | Areaware
INSIDEOUT Collection | CHAMPAGNER GLAS-SET | byAMT Alissia Melka-Teichroew | Charles & Marie - Charles & MarieINSIDEOUT Collection | CHAMPAGNER GLAS-SET | byAMT Alissia Melka-Teichroew | Charles & Marie - Charles & Marie
GRADIENT | PUZZLE | 1.000 pcs | Bryce Wilner | AreawareGRADIENT | PUZZLE | 1.000 pcs | Bryce Wilner | Areaware
CONFIDENCE | CARD SET | English Edition | The School of LifeCONFIDENCE | CARD SET | English Edition | The School of Life
Sold out
BLEIBEN ODER GEHEN? | CARD SETto  decide whether your relationship has a future | German Edition | The School of LifeBLEIBEN ODER GEHEN? | CARD SETto  decide whether your relationship has a future | German Edition | The School of Life
WELCHER PARTNER PASST ZU MIR? | CARD GAME for a successful choices in love | German Edition | The School of LifeWELCHER PARTNER PASST ZU MIR? | CARD GAME for a successful choices in love | German Edition | The School of Life
GRATITUDE | CARD SET | English Edition | The School of LifeGRATITUDE | CARD SET | English Edition | The School of Life
CONFESSIONS | CARD GAME | English Edition | The School of LifeCONFESSIONS | CARD GAME | English Edition | The School of Life
DAS GESTÄNDNISSPIEL | CARD GAME opens up daring conversations | German Edition | The School of LifeDAS GESTÄNDNISSPIEL | CARD GAME opens up daring conversations | German Edition | The School of Life
SMALL PLEASURES | CARD SET | English Edition | The School of LifeSMALL PLEASURES | CARD SET | English Edition | The School of Life
TORUS | TEA INFUSER-SET | 4 pieces | Andrea Ponti | OmmoTORUS | TEA INFUSER-SET | 4 pieces | Andrea Ponti | Ommo