Block Design


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20 products

DUO TONE INCENSE - dual color Glass Incense Stick Holder | Block DesignDUO TONE INCENSE - dual color Glass Incense Stick Holder | Block Design
Block Design
DUO TONE | dual color GLASS CANDLE HOLDER | Block DesignDUO TONE | dual color GLASS CANDLE HOLDER | Block Design
Block Design
REVERSIBLE GLASS VASE - Green & Blue | Block DesignREVERSIBLE GLASS VASE - Green & Blue | Block Design
REVERSIBLE GLASS VASE - Pink & Green | Block DesignREVERSIBLE GLASS VASE - Pink & Green | Block Design
DUO TONE | dual color GLASS CARAFE SET | Block DesignDUO TONE | dual color GLASS CARAFE SET | Block Design
Block Design
REVERSIBLE GLASS VASE - Grey & Orange | Block DesignREVERSIBLE GLASS VASE - Grey & Orange | Block Design
DUO TONE | dual color GLASS SPOONS | Block DesignDUO TONE | dual color GLASS SPOONS | Block Design
Block Design
GLASS WATERING CAN - dual color | Block DesignGLASS WATERING CAN - dual color | Block Design
Block Design
GRADIENT DOMINOES | 28 wooden pieces | Block DesignGRADIENT DOMINOES | 28 wooden pieces | Block Design
REVERSIBLE GLASS VASE - Lilac & Peach | Block DesignREVERSIBLE GLASS VASE - Lilac & Peach | Block Design
BUBBLE GLASSES - DRINKING GLASSES or small VASE - 11x6 cm | Block DesignBUBBLE GLASSES - DRINKING GLASSES or small VASE - 11x6 cm | Block Design
STACKING GLASS VASE - 20x8 cm | Block DesignSTACKING GLASS VASE - 20x8 cm | Block Design
Block Design
BUBBLE DISH Medium - D=15 cm | Block DesignBUBBLE DISH Medium - D=15 cm | Block Design
PICK UP STICKS | 49 wooden sticks | Block DesignPICK UP STICKS | 49 wooden sticks | Block Design
HOUSE of CARDS | PLAYING CARDS | Set of 52 cards | Block DesignHOUSE of CARDS | PLAYING CARDS | Set of 52 cards | Block Design
GLASS CANDLESTICK - triple color CANDLE HOLDER - Yellow Blue Red | Block DesignGLASS CANDLESTICK - triple color CANDLE HOLDER - Yellow Blue Red | Block Design
BUBBLE DISH Small - D=10 cm | Block DesignBUBBLE DISH Small - D=10 cm | Block Design
PIET The Artist's Mannequin | Wooden FIGURINE | Block DesignPIET The Artist's Mannequin | Wooden FIGURINE | Block Design
GLASS CANDLESTICK - triple color CANDLE HOLDER - Pink Grey Orange | Block DesignGLASS CANDLESTICK - triple color CANDLE HOLDER - Pink Grey Orange | Block Design
HAUS TILES | 48 wooden interlocking TILES | Block DesignHAUS TILES | 48 wooden interlocking TILES | Block Design